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    How ta get ta the Emporium
  • Emporium now has a ramp

    the emporium is now accessible on both levels by wheelchairs. the shop front already had a from-street ramp, but we have now installed one further in which takes you to the small second level in the space. the incline is quite steep, please be warned, and unfortunately the toilet which we fixed up is not a big space, and there are no handles. we would love any feedback, input and advice as to how to make the space more accessible to anyone. please email!
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How to propose to use the space

Thank you for contacting the Emporium! Please read the following information and make sure that your proposal for use of the space fulfils these requirements, as its important that we are clear what you want to do, and that you know how the Emporium works and what you’re up to.

Your proposal should be specific; ie in what context do you want to use the space? (film night, meeting, performance, exhibition… whatever). It should include a brief description of why you want the space, what the form of your work is and any themes that you are addressing. If for a meeting or skillshare or workshop, please describe who it is for (e.g. women only, or all ages, or any skill), and why (i.e. what need are you addressing).  If for an exhibition: It should include images of the actual work you wish to exhibit (not just a link to your website, as this doesn’t give us a clear idea of the show), and how you are thinking of using the physical space of the gallery; ie will the work be wall-based, sculptural, projected… If you want to use the space for a performance that you don’t have images/footage of, please send us a detailed description and any images/footage of previous work you’ve done. You should also give us an idea of the desired duration and dates of the show; we can’t guarantee you’ll get the exact dates you ask for, but we will try. Also it would be good to prepare publicity for the event, with text description and a flyer if possible.

Your proposal will be sent out to the people involved in the Emporium, who will each read it carefully and look at your images/info and come to a decision whether they personally think the show should go ahead. If the majority of members like the idea, you get the space. Simple….

We will endeavour to respond to your proposal within a month and let you know whether you’ve got the space. If you desperately want to have a show in less than a month, send it anyway and we’ll do our best. This applies especially to one-night events, meetings, films nights and performances, as these can sometimes be fitted in between other, longer exhibitions. Once a decision has been made, we can work out dates between us, and put you in contact with the people who will be using the space before and after you so that you can organise a smooth changeover.

The Emporium is a horizontally organised space; by using the the space you become part of an on-going community-based project. You have complete autonomy over your own show. This means that you organise it; you do the promotion and publicity (we will send out a flyer to our mailing list if you provide us with one), you get the keys, you look after the space for the duration and you do your own clean up. Whilst people will always be available to answer any questions, we cannot run your event for you, or help you create/look after/clean the space!

The Emporium is a not-for-profit organisation; we do not ask for a fee for the use of the space, although we do accept donations to help us out with running costs. If you sell any work as a result of your exhibition, we ask for a donation of 15% towards running and maintainance costs of the space, supporting prisoners and grass roots causes, the same applies to donations given on the door or within the space. Please be honest about this. We don’t want to stop people supporting themselves through selling their work, but this is not what the space is about, it was set up with a different ethos in mind. This is not a space to come and make money in, it is a space to communicate with other people about your ideas.

Remember that once you have become involved in the Emporium, you can always come back and help with making it more functional and beautiful; the garden needs work for the coming year!

Thanks! and good luck with your proposal.

Love The Emporium

Just email: emporium37@gmail.com or if you’re not computer inclined, drop your proposal in to: The Emporium, 37 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3PY

3 Responses

  1. Hi,
    We are a Bristol and SW zine – have listed a few of yr events – can you keep us updated via email with jpeg flyers or general listings and we will publicise your events – also we are looking for reporters to review events and exhibitions so send in any reviews and spread the word!
    Nice one,

    The Wassail zine crew

    ps. if you want to put a link to our zine use the weba address above ta x

  2. I wish there was something like this in Bath.

  3. Hey,

    Just wondering if you do music events here? Or if you have the facilitys to?

    I love the Emporium its so lovely!

    Also I see you want some garden help…Im not a trained gardener or patiularly amazing and gardening but if you ever need any extra help with anything like that I would be happy to help (if its not to tecnical that is!)

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